Monday, July 7, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 6 - SUV Racers

Save Money on Gas Now - Post 6

Hey -

I hope your 4th holiday was safe, happy, and fun...

Here's a thought for today...

I was driving to Church yesterday a little after 8am, just cruisin' in my favorite Granny [right outside] Lane on Hwy. 66 here... approaching a red light about 100 yards away and slowing down...

Then I saw coming up from the rear an SUV with some guy driving so fast his eyes must have been bleeding and his hair must have been on fire. He blew by me with less than 100 yards to the red light like I was parked...

After he slammed on his brakes to avoid injuring or killing all the rest of us on Hwy. 66 at that moment and somehow ground to a perilous stop, I noticed...

On his bumper there was a sticker that read "Gas Prices Stink" ...

All I could think was with blithering idiots like him endangering all of us every day in every way, the real truth was "His Driving Stinks."

Not to mention that it seems now days from recent news that SUV sales are in the toilet, used SUV sales are about the same, and they've reportedly dropped in value 1/3 in the last year.

So maybe he needs 2 new stickers that read "My Driving Stinks" and "Idiots Drive SUVs Like Mine" because if he lives long enough to sell it, he could regret ever buying it.

Be well -


PS - This is NOT an insult to all you SUV drivers out there. I hope the market improves for you so your SUV future resale and MPG are not even issues for you...

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