Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 15 - Can Faith Help Save Gas?

Cut Your Gas Costs Today - 15 - How Can Faith Help Save Gas?

Last Friday we were on the way to my Dad's house to celebrate 3 July birthdays in one evening... Dad's, Jason's, and mine...

As I was making a right turn from a busy road onto a side street, I saw a lady coming at me at speed approaching the stop sign at the busy road I was turning off of.

I was turning right and she was headed toward me after I turned right...

And I thought to myself, "Wow - she's going way too fast and is almost to the stop sign."

I turned right, saw her zooming in my direction straight for the intersection, and she was apparently and obviously oblivious to the situation. Then the Crazy Nutty Lady did it...

She blew through that intersection never even touching her brakes at that stop sign, and blasted up into the neighborhood across from that stop sign...

It was like watching a cartoon driver, or watching a driver on the "Cops" TV show in a chase scene where the driver races blindly through lots of intersections until he or she t-bones somebody and the chase is over.

... Just plain crazy is what she was...

So what does all that have to do with faith or saving gas? As a direct and obvious effect of grace, protection, and faith - I was not in that intersection when the Crazy Lady blew through it.

I did not die.

It made me even more thankful that I drive slowly and carefully.

And now seeing it reconfirmed that the Crazy Lady and people just like her are still on the road every day... Ill drive even more carefully and even slower...

That my friends, will save me even more gas and cash than I am already saving each day, and I'll also arrive alive [as long as I stay out of Crazy Lady's way.]


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