Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 15 - Can Faith Help Save Gas?

Cut Your Gas Costs Today - 15 - How Can Faith Help Save Gas?

Last Friday we were on the way to my Dad's house to celebrate 3 July birthdays in one evening... Dad's, Jason's, and mine...

As I was making a right turn from a busy road onto a side street, I saw a lady coming at me at speed approaching the stop sign at the busy road I was turning off of.

I was turning right and she was headed toward me after I turned right...

And I thought to myself, "Wow - she's going way too fast and is almost to the stop sign."

I turned right, saw her zooming in my direction straight for the intersection, and she was apparently and obviously oblivious to the situation. Then the Crazy Nutty Lady did it...

She blew through that intersection never even touching her brakes at that stop sign, and blasted up into the neighborhood across from that stop sign...

It was like watching a cartoon driver, or watching a driver on the "Cops" TV show in a chase scene where the driver races blindly through lots of intersections until he or she t-bones somebody and the chase is over.

... Just plain crazy is what she was...

So what does all that have to do with faith or saving gas? As a direct and obvious effect of grace, protection, and faith - I was not in that intersection when the Crazy Lady blew through it.

I did not die.

It made me even more thankful that I drive slowly and carefully.

And now seeing it reconfirmed that the Crazy Lady and people just like her are still on the road every day... Ill drive even more carefully and even slower...

That my friends, will save me even more gas and cash than I am already saving each day, and I'll also arrive alive [as long as I stay out of Crazy Lady's way.]


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 14 - Courage Saves Gas?

Save Money on Gas Today - 14 - Courage Saves Gas?

Hey -

Food for thought... do you back down more often than you stand up?

Do you understand that it just takes an ounce of devotion and determination to begin saving your own money on gas and sustaining the savings of your own gas and cash?

Have hope today. Have courage. Get determined. And stay the course.

Don't be afraid to take a stand and do your own small part to help relieve the latest gas crisis while keeping more of your own money and controlling your own financial future.

There are those of us doing this successfully now, and we will support you.

Evil is evil and good is good.

Being scammed by the gas and oil industry is evil.

Doing something about it personally is good...

... For lots of smart reasons.


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 13 - Am I Crazy or What?

Save Money on Gas Now - 13 - Am I Crazy or What?

I guess I must be crazy... or weird... or something...

... because I like to take my time when I drive and enjoy the journey. I enjoy the beautiful summer weather, the big green trees, and all the amazingly colorful flowers everywhere.

And you know what? I save a lot of gas and a lot of money by driving slower, too.

But I am DEFINITELY in the minority here where I live... because the hellions in the big fancy gas guzzlers and the huge pickup trucks blaze by me every day like I was parked taking a nap.

Other than for work, why would anyone want to drive a V8 gas hog these days? Maybe they just have too much money and are insensitive to the costs.

And when they drive these behemoths, why do they have to drive so fast, waste enormous amounts of gas, and endanger everyone around them?

Beats me...

HINT: Drive slower and more safely, and you'll save a bunch of cash and gas.


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 12 - Simple and Easy Ways to Save Gas

Save Money on Gas Now - 12 - Simple and Easy Ways to Save Gas

Hey -

There are so many little things you can do to 'help yourself' while driving, and just one nice side benefit is helping others while you do it.

So you can be giving or selfish, and the result is the same if you'll just do a few things...

One thing you can do it to try to relax when you drive instead of being all tense and creating a lot of unnecessary drama for yourself and others.

[And don't forget that what goes around comes around.]

When other drivers find themselves in the wrong lane -- or trying to get out in traffic or out of traffic -- let them do it. You'll help traffic flow smoother, and the end result is that you'll reduce gridlock and get where you're going faster.

So everybody wins and your kindness to others on the road will come back to repay you when you need someone else's help in traffic, too... and you'll save money and time to boot.


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 11 - Just One Gallon

Save Money on Gas Now - 11 - Just One Gallon

Hey -

Have you done the math yet?

If my new resource guide only saves you one gallon of gas each week, and your average cost per gallon is $4.25, you could save $221.00 over the next 52 weeks [one year.]

By the way, you could potentially save WAY MORE than one gallon a week...

So if you could put up $19.95 and someone would give you back $221.00... how many times would you want to do that?

[A lot I'd say...]

Well -- are you at least interested in doing it ONCE?

Sure you are... so go to before something distracts you and you forget.


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

PPS – If you’re looking for no-holds-barred, real content that will help you make money and propel your online ventures to new levels through solid and profitable relationship building, look no further than my unparalleled resource at


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 10 - Old People

Save Money on Gas Now - 10 - Old People

Old George P. of Mississippi was driving along minding his business when some whippersnapper in a little fast car almost ran him off the road completely...

He used his cell phone and called the police, who asked 'Are you OK?'

He said 'No.'

Then they said 'All patrols are busy. You should lock your car doors and an officer will be along when one is available.'

George said, 'Okay.' He hung up the phone and counted to 30, and then he phoned the police again.

'Hello, I just called you a few seconds ago because there was some whippersnapper trying to kill me in his little fast car. Well, I caught back up to him. You don't have to worry about him now because I just shot him,' and then he hung up.

Within five minutes, six Police Cars, a SWAT Team, a Helicopter, two Fire Trucks, a Paramedic, and an Ambulance showed up all around George's car, and also caught the young racer red-handed speeding around...

One of the Policemen said to George, 'I thought you said that you'd shot him!'

George said, 'I thought you said there was nobody available!'

MORAL OF THE STORY -- Don't mess with old people in traffic!


PS - Since I am also an 'old people' I can poke fun at me and us here, and hey -- what's wrong with a little humor here that you don't expect when you read this Cut Your Gas Costs Now blog?

PPS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 9 - Speed Demons

Save Money on Gas Now - 9 - Speed Demons

Hey -

As the author of the new resource entitled "116 Easy and Quick Ways to Cut Your Gasoline Costs up to 25%, 50%, or More Starting TODAY [Regardless of the current gasoline price or the car or truck you drive]"...

I watch other drivers VERY closely every time I get in any car... and here's what I've just now noticed... and...

I believe the $4.00+ per gallon gas is causing at least a few people to slow down a little bit.

From my prior observations, I believe that roughly 99.99% of all people speed when they drive. Now I think that number might be dropping to around 95%...

Maybe a few people are learning that when you drive slower you arrive alive, you save money and gas, the other drivers around you are safer, and the difference from speeding to driving properly is a minimal difference in time used...

And if you will slow down too, you'll get these same benefits every day...


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

PPS – If you’re looking for no-holds-barred, real content that will help you make money and propel your online ventures to new levels through solid and profitable relationship building, look no further than my unparalleled resource at


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 8 - Bait N Switch

Save Money on Gas Now - Post 8

Hey -

Beware of bait n switch pricing at gas stations...

Put simply, this occurs when the station displays a lesser price for cash purchases on the public signage, but if a customer uses a credit card at the pump, the price is 'magically higher' than the price on the sign.

This price differential can be just a few cents per gallon... up to as much as fifty cents per gallon.

So Caveat Emptor -- "Let The Buyer Beware."


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

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Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 7 - Downhill Racers

Save Money on Gas Now - Post 7

Hey -

Question: Why do people accelerate downhill only to jam on their brakes to come to a stop before they crash into someone???

[I don't know that answer, either.]

Think about it... not only is this driving habit nonsense and insanely dangerous... it also wastes gas, brakes, and is in general just a silly idea.

Let gravity propel you whenever possible, because it is free and gasoline isn't.


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 6 - SUV Racers

Save Money on Gas Now - Post 6

Hey -

I hope your 4th holiday was safe, happy, and fun...

Here's a thought for today...

I was driving to Church yesterday a little after 8am, just cruisin' in my favorite Granny [right outside] Lane on Hwy. 66 here... approaching a red light about 100 yards away and slowing down...

Then I saw coming up from the rear an SUV with some guy driving so fast his eyes must have been bleeding and his hair must have been on fire. He blew by me with less than 100 yards to the red light like I was parked...

After he slammed on his brakes to avoid injuring or killing all the rest of us on Hwy. 66 at that moment and somehow ground to a perilous stop, I noticed...

On his bumper there was a sticker that read "Gas Prices Stink" ...

All I could think was with blithering idiots like him endangering all of us every day in every way, the real truth was "His Driving Stinks."

Not to mention that it seems now days from recent news that SUV sales are in the toilet, used SUV sales are about the same, and they've reportedly dropped in value 1/3 in the last year.

So maybe he needs 2 new stickers that read "My Driving Stinks" and "Idiots Drive SUVs Like Mine" because if he lives long enough to sell it, he could regret ever buying it.

Be well -


PS - This is NOT an insult to all you SUV drivers out there. I hope the market improves for you so your SUV future resale and MPG are not even issues for you...

PPS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

PPS – If you’re looking for no-holds-barred, real content that will help you make money and propel your online ventures to new levels through solid and profitable relationship building, look no further than my unparalleled resource at


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 5 - Company Racers

Save Money on Gas Now - Post 5

Just another quickie for today submitted for your consideration that I thought of while I was driving to the chiropractor this afternoon and [as usual] watching the way other people drive...

Some goofball bozo blew by me at speed... as I was in chilling the left lane approaching the red light and he was RACING up in the TURNING LANE so he could slam on his brakes and not fly out into the intersection!

So here's the thought...

If you drive a company car or truck, respect your boss's gas bills, too. And if you drive as stupid, crazy, and wastefully as most of the people I see driving company vehicles... you waste a lot of your boss's gas and you wear out his/her vehicles.

All you do is cost your boss extra un-budgeted money…

So the next time you wonder why you aren’t getting a raise or your raise was smaller than you hoped for... now you have your answer...

[And if someone reports you abusing the boss’s vehicles, not getting a raise might be the least of your worries. Finding a new job might be more important to you then.]


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

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Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 4 - Insane Gas Prices

Save Money on Gas Now - Post 4


On 7/2/2008 oil hit another new record of $144 a barrel... the Euro is at $1.59USD and the British PS is at $1.99USD...

What are you going to do about this?


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

PPS – If you’re looking for no-holds-barred, real content that will help you make money and propel your online ventures to new levels through solid and profitable relationship building, look no further than my unparalleled resource at


Monday, June 30, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 3 - The Resource Guide

Save Money on Gas Now - Post 3

Hey -

Would you believe that I've put together a BRAND NEW resource that will be launched online on July 4th 2008 that can save you hundreds or thousands of dollars in gasoline costs?

... And its selling price online will be $19.95!

You could get that back in the very first week you use the 116 tips [over 100 pages of tips] and then save loads of money during the rest of the time!

Check it out now at...

You'll be SO GLAD you did...


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

PPS – If you’re looking for no-holds-barred, real content that will help you make money and propel your online ventures to new levels through solid and profitable relationship building, look no further than my unparalleled resource at


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 2 - It is Finished!

Save Money on Gas Now - Post 2

Hey -

I apologize for taking so long between posts in this new blog.

I've been finishing and testing the tips, tricks, and techniques in my new resource that is about to be published named...

"116 Easy and Quick Ways to Cut Your Gasoline Costs up to 25% to 50% or More Starting TODAY [Regardless of the current gasoline price or the car or truck you drive]"

... and building the website for its July 4th opening.

There are a lot of very disturbing predictions on the news these days concerning both current and future gasoline/diesel fuel costs.

One news station [Fox News] is predicting that based on its info we'll be paying $7.00 or more per gallon before you know it.

How does that grab you?

I find it sickening, ridiculous, absurd, and just plain WRONG!

I've done something about for me and for you.

Check out the brand new website listed below and grab your copy [it is VERY inexpensive] and stop feeding the beast that is the gas and oil industry.

Take back your money and your future today...


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

PPS – If you’re looking for no-holds-barred, real content that will help you make money and propel your online ventures to new levels through solid and profitable relationship building, look no further than my unparalleled resource at


Friday, June 20, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 1 - The Best Services...

Save Money on Gas Now - Post 1

Hey -

Just a short Friday tip here...

I had my oil changed and some other stuff done to my car today...

So while I was there I asked the manager of the oil change store what he thought was the best service he had to help people save money on gas other than an oil change...

He thought for a second... and he said, "Having their fuel system and injectors cleaned regularly, and not more than 30,000 miles between cleanings."

There you have it, right from the horse's mouth.

This tip is just one of the 80+ pages of tips in the brand new resource entitled...

"Easy and Quick Ways to Cut Your Gasoline Costs 25% to 50% or More Starting TODAY [Regardless of the current gasoline price or the car or truck you drive]"

Check it out now at and grab your copy. You could be saving money on gas before the weekend is over...

Have a great weekend, and save some gas!


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

PPS – If you’re looking for no-holds-barred, real content that will help you make money and propel your online ventures to new levels through solid and profitable relationship building, look no further than my unparalleled resource at


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - Welcome

Save Money on Gas Now - Welcome

Hey -

Just a test post to get this blog started...


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

PPS – If you’re looking for no-holds-barred, real content that will help you make money and propel your online ventures to new levels through solid and profitable relationship building, look no further than my unparalleled resource at
