Monday, July 14, 2008

Cut Your Gas Costs Now - 11 - Just One Gallon

Save Money on Gas Now - 11 - Just One Gallon

Hey -

Have you done the math yet?

If my new resource guide only saves you one gallon of gas each week, and your average cost per gallon is $4.25, you could save $221.00 over the next 52 weeks [one year.]

By the way, you could potentially save WAY MORE than one gallon a week...

So if you could put up $19.95 and someone would give you back $221.00... how many times would you want to do that?

[A lot I'd say...]

Well -- are you at least interested in doing it ONCE?

Sure you are... so go to before something distracts you and you forget.


PS - If you want to cut your gas cost, cut your gasoline costs, cut your diesel fuel costs, reduce your gas costs, reduce your gasoline costs, reduce your diesel fuel costs, save money, save money on gasoline, save money on gas, save money on diesel fuel... look no further than...

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